I love WINE. My soul is infused with the nectar of the Gods! And now I’m hooked on craft beer. Great! Add one more vice to the equation. There is nothing more comforting than a good glass of wine or pint of beer with a sinfully delicious meal and even better company!
I graduated from the WSET Program Advanced Level 3 in 2007 while managing a specialty wine shop in the heart of Vancouver’s Granville Island. The four glorious years I spent at the wine shop helping people decide what to pair with their fresh market goods were some of the best years of my life!
My time out west allowed me to discover the stunning Okanagan Valley and all that it has to offer. I have since moved back to Ottawa, my hometown. Upon my return east, I continued to assist people with their wine and food selections while bartending for a popular wine bar here in Ottawa (Play Wine & Food). I’m currently learning all about Ontario’s fabulous wine growing regions, Niagara and Prince Edward County. I’m excited to hear that these regions so close to home are quickly gaining international recognition!
To thicken the plot, I am discovering the world of craft beer through my sommelier lens. In 2013, I wrote blogs for Brothers Beer Bistro.
My main goal is to get people out of their every day drinking ‘bubbles’ (pun intended!). Life is short, be adventurous in the beverage world!